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Build an AI-powered website in minutes

Your new website, beautifully designed, full of content, with relevant images, mobile friendly and ready to publish in minutes. This is now possible with AI!

Try it out for free. No payment method required.
How does it work? Complete website in 3 easy steps, in less than a minute thanks to AI.
No graphic designer, no programmer, no copywriter.
01 Fill out a short form

You provide some basic information about the scope of your offer. Based on the information you provide, we will create a complete, content-rich website for you in about 60 seconds.

02 Choose a layout with AI assistant

View your new website. Choose the layout, photos, colours and typography that work best for you.

Coming soon! 03 Publish your website online in one click

Now you can edit the content on the site, add your own images and create additional subpages using an intuitive admin panel.

Try it out for free. No payment method required.
What do I get on my website?
Great Homepage

Attractive launch view to grab attention and make it memorable.

Offer sub-pages

Offer sub-pages with pre-written content and themed photos.

Blog to support SEO

A place where you can publish expert articles or share your past project implementations.

Contact form and map

A subpage with contact information, a secure form and a map.

Everything you need to build
a great website, all in one place

Modern and elegant design

Aesthetic, pleasant to use and inspires confidence. Our layout will help you build a consistent and professional image of your brand.

Complete set of content prepared by AI

Ready offer for the website in no time! We will provide unique and high-quality content prepared by artificial intelligence.

Images and thematic graphics automatically selected

Thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms, we will automatically search and precisely match all media to the context of your industry and offer.

Responsive Web Design

We guarantee a smooth and intuitive browsing experience on smartphones and tablets.

High performance
and SEO-optimised

We ensure fast page loading and better visibility in search engine results, leading to increased traffic and higher conversion rates.

Coming soon!
Easy to use management panel with an AI assistant

Easily manage content and media with the support of an AI assistant, saving time and increasing the efficiency of marketing efforts.

Try it out for free. No payment method required.
Examples of websites

Experience the power of our website builder

Try it out for free. No payment method required.
Frequently asked questions

What is the AI Page Builder?

AI Page Builder, also known as AI Page Generator or Web Page Builder, is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to automatically create websites. It works on the basis of algorithms and pre-built templates, allowing users to create a unique and effective website quickly and easily.

How do the AI Page Builder work?

AI Page Wizards use advanced algorithms to analyse user preferences and data provided, such as content, images or colours. Based on this information, the page generator creates customised templates and layouts to suit your needs and preferences.

AI Page Wizards use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques to understand content and user preferences. This allows them to generate a website based on this information.

AI Page Wizards allow users to customise many elements of their website, such as layout, colours, fonts and graphics. These tools also provide drag-and-drop functionality that makes it easy to edit and customise content on the site.

AI Website Builders are designed to make the process of creating websites easier, especially for those without programming skills. Thanks to them, anyone can create a professional website in a short time and for free.

Do I need to have technical knowledge to use Webway's website generator?

No, Webway’s website generator is designed for users with no technical experience. The process of creating a website is intuitive and based on simple steps that you will easily understand.

What are the advantages of using Webway's website generator?

  • Speed: Pages are generated in minutes.
  • Ease of use: No coding knowledge is required.
  • Personalization: The ability to customize the look and function of the site.
  • Cost: This is usually cheaper than hiring a professional developer.

Definition of AI Page Builder

AI Website Builder is a software program or online platform that allows users to create professional websites without programming skills. With this tool, a person who does not know how to code can easily create their own website.

What should a page created using the AI Page Builder contain?

When you use the AI Website Builder to create your website, you can enjoy many benefits. Each of the important sites plays an important role in providing a comprehensive and effective experience for visitors. Here’s why each of these sites is crucial:

  1. Home
    The home page is your brand’s showcase in the online world. With the AI Page Builder, you can create an eye-catching and professional-looking homepage that will encourage visitors to explore your site further.
  2. About Us
    The “About Us” page allows you to present your company’s history and values. With AI tools, you can easily create content that focuses on your company’s key information to help build trust among customers.
  3. Offer
    With the AI Page Builder, you can optimize the presentation of products on your website. Use features such as photo galleries, animations or product descriptions to grab the attention of potential customers.
  4. Blog
    Blog is an excellent tool for building engagement and marketing efforts. With AI Page Wizards, you can easily create an interactive blog to support your website’s search engine positioning.
  5. Contact
    Last, but not least, is the “Contact Us” page. With AI tools, you can quickly and efficiently include a contact form and contact information on your site, making it easier to communicate with potential customers.

By using the AI Page Builder to create each of these pages, you are assured that your site will be complete and thoughtfully designed for the user.

Impact of AI Websites Generators on the future of web design

AI Website Wizards has a huge impact on the future of web design. By using artificial intelligence, creating a unique and effective website becomes faster, easier and more accessible to everyone. Here are some major aspects that affect the future of web design:

  • Automating the design process: AI Page Wizards uses artificial intelligence algorithms and technologies to automatically generate page layouts, customize colors, fonts and images according to user preferences. This makes the design process more efficient and saves time.
  • Personalization: AI Website Wizards offers the ability to personalize a website based on individual user preferences. Through data analysis and machine learning, creatives are able to deliver personalized content and features that are most relevant to their target audience.
  • Optimization for mobile devices: Nowadays, most users access the Internet via mobile devices. AI Page Wizards automatically optimizes websites for different screen resolutions and devices, ensuring an optimal user experience across all platforms.
  • SEO Analysis and Optimization: AI Site Wizards also offers SEO analysis and optimization tools to help improve a site’s visibility in search engines. This allows the site to achieve higher rankings in search results and attract more visitors.
  • Speed and Scalability: AI Website Wizards allows you to quickly create websites without programming. This allows even people with no prior experience to create a professional website in a short period of time. In addition, the wizards offer scalability, meaning the site can grow as your business grows.

The impact of AI Page Wizards on the future of web design is undeniable. Artificial intelligence opens up new possibilities for those who want to create a unique and effective website. Thanks to evolving AI technologies, web design will be even more accessible and innovative in the future.